Wine Nerds: Is there a difference in median Price between Napa & Sonoma

This hypothesis testing is trying to determine if there is a difference in median Price between Napa and Sonoma.

Step 1: Define the Hypothesis
HoNo difference in mean between Napa (1)  and Sonoma(2) prices
H1Difference in mean between Napa (1)  and Sonoma(2) prices

Step 2

Step 3 Explain the results
We fail to reject the null hypothesis
The P-value for Mood’s median test is >.05 which leads us to conclude that there is no difference in the medians between Napa and Sonoma prices.

Step 4 Conclusion
There is no statistical difference in the medians between Napa and Sonoma prices.
(*) We picked the mood median test because one of the two samples is non-normal.